places to go ~TOKYO~

Why so many things?

Village Vanguard (…not the one in NY)

is one of my favorite places to hang out or to kill time.

Good humors, interesting artsy stuff,

cool cameras, good music etc etc…

The place is a bit too overwhelming

but I can’t resist going back

and whenever I go back to the place,

it makes me wonder

why Japanese culture is

so obsessed with things.

I don’t know how to put this

but you will probably understand

what I mean by this

if you go to Village Vanguard.


There are many locations but this one is my favorite

Village Vanguard

〒155-0031 世田谷区北沢2-10-15 マルシェ下北沢/

Setagaya-ku, Kitazawa

2-10-15 Marche Shimokitazawa

Store Hours/ 10:00-24:00

Open daily


Shimokitazawa has always been

one of my favorite places to hang out.

As soon as the school was over,

I would walk there

and stay there until it got dark.

The place has changed a lot

but it still got the same charm….

If you like retro stuff,

and if you want to see how 60s and 70s were

in Japan, it’s must-go.

(Also you will find vintage French and American

apparels and products in a very good condition.)


film photos little thoughts. NY life Olympus XA

the warmth

Looking back at old photos.

Just feeling a little nostalgic for warmth.

It’s snowing again here in NY

and it’s about 10F outside.

I have never been in a place so cold

besides the freezer we had at the store I worked at.

A human body could stand under a harsh condition,

and I am fascinated by my own adaptability.

Oh boy, but I would really love to

take off my coat and boots and run around

without worrying about slipping or sliding on the snow.

Just a day or two would be fine.

I know, this is just me

wanting something that is on the opposite end.

I do that sometimes.


little thoughts.

Once in a while…

Every once in a while,

I have this moment in which

I smell the things I loved so much.


Sometimes, it’s the  smell of wet leaves on the ground.

Sometimes, it’s the smell of the crisp air in the morning.

Sometimes, it’s the smell of detergent.

Sometimes, it’s the smell of the first day

I walked on campus…

But I could smell those in the back of my nose,

and it squeezes my heart.

Actually it feels like it’s mildly strangling my throat.


little thoughts. Uncategorized

Rain and wind make me miss my time in Seattle.

I have been thinking about the days there these days.

I guess the season is finally changing.

Tokyo is finally cooling down (…thank goodness!)

and the this grey sky reminds me of Seattle.


Time is passing by like crazy, and it’s rather scary.

Flipping through a calendar,

I realized there were only 3 and a half pages left for this year.

….Oh my.


Boy, I shouldn’t be feeling this way.

I got so much stuff I have to finish

by tomorrow morning.

Grr, You can do it, Yoshi.

film photos

Tokyo Journey Vol.1

Do you remember this little guy?

(Wait, have I told you about it??)

Anyways, its name is Skipper (from now on)

and it’s a toy camera that I built.

Of course, with a manual book.


I finished a roll of film


I would like to take you

to a little Tokyo journey through

my little plastic box.

Would you come with me?


Film used: Kodak 100 normal cheap one.

unedited, unrated…hm?












